But back to the point. So, since I have switched the toggle and decided to get on this thing, the little booger has tried to foil my well laid out plans. See, I read devotionals online. I blog, clearly, online. I know this sounds stupid, but the blogging helps me - it's like my journal that doesn't make my hands cramp from writing. It's why I thought I would even start it in the first place. I thought if my friends knew I was writing, and then I didn't, they would yell at me. (Clearly that plan didn't pan out the first time around, we're trying it again :o) ) So what has happened? Yeah, my internet at home has gone dead. Yep - umm hmmm. Dead. Which is annoying. How can you pay bills without the internet? No idea. And at school - HAHAH!! That's just funny to think I can get anything personal done at school, I'm dog-paddling to get my WORK done at school!! So tonight, I am at my Happy Place - Starbuck's. I had work to do, but I finished that already, and so I thought I'd take a little bit more time for myself in this happy place.
Oswald is on my theme today, too. James 4:8 - Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Isn't that what I said I was banking on the other day? Oh yeah - me and God, we're on the same page.
So even though I left school today near tears from anger and frustration, and even though I have a blister on both feet from the wrong shoes and too long of a day yesterday, and even though diablo himself is trying to sniper me, I will not stop running. (Running, I need to do some of that!) I signed up today for a race/obstacle course today that's going to happen in May. It's called the Warrior Dash. I want to be a Warrior. Grrrrr!!! Haha! This blog has ram- bled today. Sorry that you're reading it - it was way more for me than anyone else. But that's alright, some days that's how it is, right?
I'm starting an official Bible Study tomorrow, or maybe tonight. We'll see how the Starbuck's does at keeping me up too late. A Call to Die - David Nassar.... There's a blast from the past, eh GBC Friends?!?! I'll let y'all know how it goes, that is if you come back after this disaster today!
all of me, for only Him,
1 comment:
how are the ribs?? hope that you are feeling better!
and, hope that your blisters are better, too. that is why i just say no to real shoes. flip-flops would never do that to you :-)
how's the study going? i am ashamed to say that i have started that book a couple of times and never made it to the end. despite the fact that there is a covenant at the beginning...
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